The SAE Work Truck Safety Committee is enlisting producers, manufacturers, regulators and other stakeholders to develop the tentatively titled “Ready Mixed Concrete Truck–Safety Requirements Standard.” Applicable to mixer building, rebuilding, modification, care, maintenance
Sources: Society of Automotive Engineers, Troy, Mich.; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Md.
The SAE Work Truck Safety Committee is enlisting producers, manufacturers, regulators and other stakeholders to develop the tentatively titled Ready Mixed Concrete TruckÒSafety Requirements Standard. Applicable to mixer building, rebuilding, modification, care, maintenance, operation, and use, it will also establish minimum safety related requirements for equipment design. A working outline calls for sections on general and operational requirements, rear and front discharge mixers, safeguards, safety programs and training.
An organizational meeting for the standard is scheduled October 5, 3:30Ò5 p.m., at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, bordering Chicago’s OÌHare International Airport. It coincides with the SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and is open to all mixer truck interests, SAE or NRMCA members or nonmembers. NRMCA will provide safety expertise and, along with the SAE Work Truck Safety Committee, target a draft for review at 2011 ConExpo-Con/Agg, March 22-25 in Las Vegas. The draft would continue through balloting toward a potential fall 2011 approval as an SAE J standard. From there, it could be proposed for American National Standards Institute adoption.