Equipment & Products, August 2010

ENVIROGUARD-EQUIPPED FLEET EARNS DUFFERIN ENVIRONMENTAL KUDOS Dufferin Concrete’s entire fleet of 400-plus ready-mixed trucks in Ontario has been equipped


Dufferin Concrete’s entire fleet of 400-plus ready-mixed trucks in Ontario has been equipped with Enviroguard, a self-contained chute washout system that effectively eliminates wash water discharge into the environment. A Toronto-based division of Holcim (Canada) Inc., Dufferin began installing the Enviroguard system on its vehicles slightly over a year ago, becoming the only Ontario ready-mixed supplier to operate a fleet fully outfitted with the chute-washout solution.


Dufferin Concrete’s chute-washout fleet upgrade garnered recognition by the 2009 Ontario Concrete Awards program, as Enviroguard targets an industrywide need for safe, cost-effective and eco-friendly chute wash water disposal.

The mixer truck driver using Enviroguard simply hoses down the chute, and the waste water collects in a bucket, along with sand, aggregates and cementitious materials. Thus, the system provides a means to recycle materials and water that otherwise would be dumped or wasted on a job site.

Holcim’s Gino Salvo, director-Engineering, Environment & Maintenance, Ontario Region, reports that driver response upon introducing the Enviroguard system was overwhelmingly positive. He elaborates, Naturally, change management was key to implementation, not only among drivers, but also with local management and customers. We stressed the necessity of zero exceptions regarding drivers’ use of the Enviroguard procedure after every load; this was communicated through the initial pilot and subsequent training. Overall, we are very pleased with the response of our employees.


Dufferin Concrete operates 33 plants across Southern Ontario, producing custom concrete mixes to meet technical specifications for commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential projects. Addressing the issue of Enviroguard’s return on investment, Gino Salvo notes, ROI is a different calculation for every company and geographic area, since many factors influence the amount a ready-mixed producer may decide to charge Û if anything Û for this value-added service, as well as the speed at which the company will roll it out to its customer base.

Also, strong consideration must be given to Enviroguard’s nontangible benefits÷We placed our focus at the start of implementation on education, internally and externally. The decision to roll out Enviroguard as a fee-based service came later. Our customers benefit, too, by eliminating the need for job-site wash-down areas and silt-control systems.

Nick Caccavella, senior vice president, Ontario and Western Canada at Holcim Canada, echoes Salvo’s enthusiasm for the Enviroguard system: Equipping the entire fleet of Dufferin Concrete’s ready-mixed trucks is an example of our leadership in bringing innovative solutions to our customers, as well as a testament of our commitment to leaving a smaller environmental footprint. Û

Gravity-fed mixer truck washout system

A gravity-fed, mixer-truck washout system, Washout Watchdog provides full containment of all drum residue after job-site unloading. It operates without pumps or air-pressurized tanks and requires no energy source. Affordable, lightweight, low-maintenance, and easy to install, the manufacturer contends, the device was designed by an industry professional for fast, safe, and convenient washout on the job site.

The past year has seen company development of three new tank models to accommodate all makes and models of front- and rear-discharge mixers. Each model includes insulated tanks that prevent washout water from freezing during transit in cold temperatures.

The patent-pending Top Dog was introduced earlier this year in Las Vegas at 2010 World of Concrete as a stand-alone chute washout system designed for smaller jobs. The washout receptacle now is equipped with a snap-shut lid that allows the driver to wash chutes, close the lid, and carry a partially full receptacle to the holding rack for transport and disposal back at the yard.

The new lidded model suits pump jobs subject to time constaints and the need to fully contain waste water. It can serve as a quick-wash or flop-and-go system that captures all aggregates, enabling the driver to perform thorough washout back at the plant. Moreover, the system prevents concrete from drying in the chute and rocks from falling out on the roadway.

The Top Dog works in tandem with all existing Washout Watchdog models used for larger jobs. It can be purchased separately or as part of a complete system. Concrete Slurry Solutions


The Model X2 Six-Shooter is a double-wide version of the company’s original Model X1, which provides the same performance while allowing two mixer trucks to discharge at the same time. Both models allow for reclaiming up to a rate of _ cubic yard per minute and may be installed without a ramp Û an added advantage in plants with limited room. These features make for a system that is comparable in reclamation rate to most other reclaimers in the market, however the X2 typically is reportedly 30 percent less expensive than comparable systems.

The X2 is engineered with the same features and functions found in all BFK Reclaimers, offering a system with no greaseable bearings, no machined shaft seals and no external screen decks to complete separation. Its simplicity allows customers to install and maintain the reclaimer on their own, eliminating the need for costly field-service technicians.

BFK offers concrete reclaimers designed for all sizes of concrete production facilities, including ready-mix, precast, pipe and block. Û 888-235-8235; 920-894-1113;


As a companion offering to its flagship front-discharge mixer, Indiana Phoenix Inc. has developed rear-discharge models with 10.5- or 11-yd. barrel featuring aggressive fin design and re-rod at key wear points, plus fusion-treated interior wall for improved performance and longer service life. The new model is also equipped with stainless hydraulic lines and 31-gal. hydraulic tank; 150-gal. steel or aluminum water tank and 120 psi high-pressure wash-down pump; and, spring-mounted front and rear barrel pedestals. Optional for the new rear models are remote control and the three-year warranty Phoenix Premier Package. Indiana Phoenix Inc.


The AggreGator drum’s geometry and quality construction offer a smoother pour, the manufacturer asserts. The drum features continuous welds for enhanced durability; and, KimSpec AR200 steel provides tighter tolerances and maximum hardness and wear resistance, significantly reducing overall maintenance and repair costs.

The AggreGator’s greater length due to a narrow, three-section configuration improves driver visibility. Moreover, a taller, rebar-reinforced flight design folds instead of mixes for more consistent, smoother-flowing concrete, product engineers affirm. Additionally, the drum design and mounting produce the highest discharge point and chute angle and lowest overall center of gravity. The AggreGator is available as original equipment on Kimble’s K2100 Standard, Four-Yard, K2100 Bridge and K2100 Remote Control mixers. Kimble Mixer Co.