The EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery is accepting speaker preregistration for public hearings on its proposed “Identification and Listing of Special Waste: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities” rule, whose contentious provisions have drawn sharp criticism from fly ash marketers and users
Sources: Environmental Protection Agency; CP staff
The EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery is accepting speaker preregistration for public hearings on its proposed Identification and Listing of Special Waste: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities rule, whose contentious provisions have drawn sharp criticism from fly ash marketers and users. With morning, afternoon and evening sessions, the hearings are scheduled August 30ÒSeptember 16 in Arlington, Va.; Denver; Dallas; Charlotte, N.C.; and Chicago.
Individuals who preregister will be given three minutes to speak; EPA staff will consider slot requests on-site as schedules permit. All individuals seeking to have their views presented or entered into hearing records are encouraged to prepare written statements. The hearings are in addition to a June 21ÒSeptember 20 public comment period EPA opened upon publishing the proposed rule in the Federal Register. Hearing schedule and speaker preregistration details are available online.