Transportation Chief Lahood Praises Powder At Holcim Ste. Genevieve Premier

Headlining guest speakers for the June 4 Ste. Gen cement plant inaugural event, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood praised Holcim for creating jobs (the operation has 250 employees), thus playing an important role in the nation’s economic recovery, and making a product that will play a key role in rebuilding transportation infrastructure through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

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Carolina Operator ÀstacksÌ Libel Allegations In Suit Against New-Plant Opponents

Blue Ridge Concrete, Inc. (BRC) is seeking a temporary restraining order against North Buncombe Association of Concerned Citizens (NBACC), alleging in a complaint that the group and its president perpetuated libelous statements and artwork on a Web site,, aimed at squelching the ready mixed producer’s construction of a Weaverville, N.C., plant

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