Through proper mold alignment, cycle by cycle, Rampf Molds’ new Flexway technology offers these product engineer-cited benefits: longer mold service life; protection against mold and machine wear; reduced waste product; and, finished masonry units with finer, more closed surfaces
Source: Rampf Molds Ind., Hagerstown, Md.
Through proper mold alignment, cycle by cycle, Rampf MoldsÌ new Flexway technology offers these product engineer-cited benefits: longer mold service life; protection against mold and machine wear; reduced waste product; and, finished masonry units with finer, more closed surfaces.
Flexway works with slip technology, allowing the tamperhead near the end of every cycle to float laterally in the mold bottom. It holds the tamperhead precisely where the mold bottom finished the cycle before tamperhead removal, thus ensuring alignment for the next cycle. Large rubber brushes are used as the connection system between the tamperhead’s floating portion and the portion to which it is attached to the machine. Û 301/791-6880 (U.S.); 705/720-7300 (Canada);