Available in six-volume hard copy ($799.50, ACI members $499), CD-ROM ($681.50, $409 members), or a combined package ($1185.50, $711), ACI’s benchmark publication spans 190 documents and committee reports on cast-in-place or precast concrete buildings, pavements, transportation structures and specialty applications
Source: American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich.
Available in six-volume hard copy ($799.50, ACI members $499), CD-ROM ($681.50, $409 members), or a combined package ($1185.50, $711), ACI’s benchmark publication spans 190 documents and committee reports on cast-in-place or precast concrete buildings, pavements, transportation structures and specialty applications. The Manual of Concrete Practice is billed as the most comprehensive and largest single source of its kind, referencing code requirements, specifications, tolerances, concrete proportions, construction methods, and evaluation of test results. Anchoring the Manual is ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. Û 248/848-3800; www.concrete.org