Kimble Mixer Co. is adding to its rear-discharge concrete mixer offering a front-discharge glider package, available by mid-year, and a new front model
Kimble Mixer Co. is adding to its rear-discharge concrete mixer offering a front-discharge glider package, available by mid-year, and a new front model scheduled for fourth quarter 2010 rollout. The manufacturer is preparing a May-September demonstration of four- and six-axle glider trucks for producers in 15 states.
A customer focus panel we hosted earlier this year provided input on what producers consider key features of their existing front discharge models. We asked producers what they were unhappy with, and they told us the best way to fix the problems. It worked out to about 25 to 30 items for our engineers, says Kimble President Jim Cahill. The glider package will address what we identified as intolerable faults and some wish list items. The new front model will have additional features the panel identified.
Hosted at the company’s New Philadelphia, Ohio, headquarters, the event drew 19 participants Û most running full or primarily front discharge fleets Û from markets in New England to Utah. We have to get the right configuration for the right market. The trucks will be going a lot of directions, Cahill adds.
With a 30-day or less turnaround, the Kimble glider can use wheels, engines and driveline components from old front mixers. Depending on existing parts’ condition, the glider can be delivered at 50-75 percent of the cost of a new mixer truck. Since announcing the program, Kimble has logged glider orders from three customers. The rebuilt and new front-discharge vehicles will be assembled alongside existing rear models in a 130,000-sq.-ft. operation Kimble opened in 2008 for its concrete and Custom Chassis business.
Assisting in the front-discharge mixer program are three concrete truck veterans, each formerly of Terex Advance, who recently joined Kimble Mixer: Steve Howard, Atlantic Seaboard sales manager; Rob Turner, Midwestern sales manager; and, Gary Koomler, Glider Program coordinator.