Waltham, Mass.-based Holcim (US) Inc. launched last month its calQ application, an online materials-assessment tool designed to facilitate LEED Rating
Waltham, Mass.-based Holcim (US) Inc. launched last month its calQ application, an online materials-assessment tool designed to facilitate LEED Rating System credit calculations associated with recycled and regional material values for concrete incorporated in a given project. System users obtain a final summary indicating specific LEED credits applicable to the project’s concrete component.
Project & Materials Data, Mix Designation, and Summary Report Û three options displayed at the program’s top banner Û provide access to corresponding calculations for mix ingredients, i.e., cementitious materials, aggregate, admixture, fibers, and water. At the first screen, requested information for each item targets distances from site to harvest/recovered location and from site to manufactured location, providing the basis for regional material values, as well as percentage of pre- and post-consumer recycled content, plus cost per ton. Recycled content at the second screen is calculated both on the basis of concrete price per yard and price of ingredient. Finally, Summary Report lists total recycled content of concrete in dollar and percentage figures, as well as total percentage regional material, culminating in Applicable LEED [V3] Category Credits.