The inaugural International Green Construction Code (IGCC) promotes reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing commercial buildings
Source: International Code Council, Washington, D.C.
The inaugural International Green Construction Code (IGCC) promotes reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing commercial buildings. It stems from what ICC CEO Richard Weiland notes is a clear need for a regulatory tool to establish a baseline to help jurisdictions meet their sustainability goals.”
IGCC emphasizes building performance and owner education to ensure the best energy-efficient practices. Enforcement will improve indoor air quality and support the use of energy-efficient appliances, renewable energy systems, water resource conservation, rainwater collection and distribution systems, and gray water recovery. A “jurisdictional electives” section allows customization beyond baseline code provisions to address local priorities.
ICC launched the IGCC initiative in 2009 with American Institute of Architects and ASTM International, the latter imparting voluntary consensus practices widely recognized by code officials and stakeholders. IGCC joins the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers/U.S. Green Building Council/ Illuminating Engineers Society Standard 189.1-2009 for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings, Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings as an alternative jurisdictional compliance option.