National Precast Concrete Association

CHAIRMAN 2010 J. KIRBY O’MALLEYPresidentGarden State Precast, Inc.Farmingdale, New Jersey IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN (2009) RANDY LINDSAY-BRISBINV.P. and

J. Kirby O’Malley, NPCA



Garden State Precast, Inc.
Farmingdale, New Jersey


V.P. and General Manager
Firebaugh Precast Inc.
Colorado Springs, Colorado


Wilbert Precast, Inc.
Spokane, Washington

NPCA is an international trade group representing producers of plant-fabricated concrete units and precast industry suppliers. Currently representing 1,000-plus companies worldwide, it is dedicated to expanding the use of quality precast concrete and pursues that mission by providing industry leadership and supporting members’ success in ways consistent with the public interest.

Member benefits include educational seminars, an annual trade show, industry newsletters, publications targeted exclusively to the manufactured concrete products industry, technical/sales literature, and a technical services hotline. NPCA provides technical and product information through nine product-specific committees and industry committees promoting education, safety, quality and technical issues.

NPCA President Ty Gable, C.A.E., has led the association staff for more than 15 years. During that time, NPCA has built a team of technical experts; grown the Plant Certification Program to nearly 400 plants; and, in 2009, launched The Precast Show, the largest trade show specifically targeting the precast concrete products industry.

In late 2009, NPCA moved to a new address in the Indianapolis metro area. The building, completed in the spring of 2008, features a precast concrete exterior, stairwells and elevator shafts.

When our lease ended and we knew we were moving, one of our first goals was to find a precast building, Gable affirms. We’re fortunate to be in an area where precast office buildings are quite common.

NPCA prestressed-certified member company ATMI Indy LLC produced all precast components for the building. We bought two special forms from Hamilton Form specifically for that job, reports ATMI General Manager Bob Ortscheid, adding that the manufacturer jumped through hoops to build them in a hurry. It was a quick delivery. As soon as they hit the plant, we started pouring. We poured a couple (of the wall panels) a day, and we precast rather than prestressed them. And, they are load-bearing panels.

NPCA’s new address is 1320 City Center Drive, Suite 200, Carmel, IN 46032. Phone and fax numbers remain the same: tel.: 317/571-9500 or 800/366-7731; fax: 317/571-0041; e-mail: [email protected]; website: