Republican senators blocked passage on June 6 of a bill that would limit carbon dioxide emissions across the U.S. business and consumer economy, and likely spawn new taxes on myriad fossil fuel uses, including portland cement production
Source: North American Concrete Alliance, Washington, D.C.; CP staff
Republican senators blocked passage on June 6 of a bill that would limit carbon dioxide emissions across the U.S. business and consumer economy, and likely spawn new taxes on myriad fossil fuel uses, including portland cement production. The Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act envisions capping carbon dioxide emissions through allowances the federal government would issue or sell to businesses and agencies generating the gas through coal-combustion.
Portland cement customers stand to bear cost burdens tied to production constraints typical of climate change legislative proposals. By failing in a 48-36 vote to bring the bill to final debate and floor, the Lieberman-Warner measure is presumably set for reintroduction next year in similar form to a new Congress. With climate change legislation a front-burner issue on Capitol Hill, Portland Cement Association’s Washington staff members note that they have aggressively pursued member company interests to protect domestic capacity, and educate lawmakers on the importance of a vital cement industry to the American economy.