At its annual spring committee meeting in Chicago, Portland Cement Association (PCA) awarded eight industry professionals Promotion Progress Awards in
At its annual spring committee meeting in Chicago, Portland Cement Association (PCA) awarded eight industry professionals Promotion Progress Awards in recognition of their time and energy commitments exceeding regular responsibilities in order to achieve major promotional goals advancing cement and concrete products. The following were selected from 15 nominees of PCA member company personnel:
- David Collins, Holcim (US), Inc., for promoting new markets for soil cement stabilization and full-depth reclamantion using cement.
- Ed Cooper, Ash Grove Cement Co., for leadership in promoting concrete pavements in Utah.
- Michael Fletcher, Essex Cement Co. LLC, a Titan America subsidiary, for leadership in NYC Habitat for Humanity’s first all-insulating concrete form (ICF) project, a nine-unit condominium complex in Brooklyn
- Frank Lennox, Buzzi Unicem USA, Inc., for introducing pervious concrete and roller-compacted concrete (RCC) to new audiences, generating several new projects
- Kirk McDonald, California Portland Cement Co., for an instrumental role in gaining Caltrans and Nevada DOT acceptance of ASTM C 150 allowing up to 5 percent limestone in portland cement
- Scott Palmer, Salt River Materials Group, for promoting cement-based products in the residential marketplace
- Nicholas Popoff, St. Marys Cement Inc., for efforts that helped institute changes to Michigan and Illinois DOT specifications permitting the use of up to 5 percent limestone in portland cement
- James Render Jr., Essroc Cement Corp., for promoting RCC, concrete pavement. and pervious concrete
Also at its annual spring committee meeting, PCA honored four allied industries with Distinguished Partner Awards recognizing industry professionals outside cement companies who demonstrated a commitment of time and energy beyond regular responsibilities to promote concrete and other cement-based materials for a variety of applications. Recipients included:
- American Red Cross of Greater Chicago for educating the building industry and consumers, via Safe Home Illinois, on the construction of more natural disaster-resistant homes
- American PolySteel LLC President Patrick Murphy for his efforts to gain PolySteel Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Certification, the first insulating concrete form (ICF) system to earn this distinction
- City of Lubbock (TX) Senior Building Inspector Brad Reed for his role in building ICF homes for low-income residents qualifying through the city’s Affordable Housing Reconstruction program
- Institute for Business & Home Safety for efforts to inform builders, code officials, architects, the general public, and the insurance industry on the disaster-resistant benefits of concrete walls, roof tiles, and cementitious claddings