Demonstrating that the number of jurisdictions requiring National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) plant certification continues to grow, New Mexico,
Demonstrating that the number of jurisdictions requiring National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) plant certification continues to grow, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Georgia Departments of Transportation and the City of Austin, Texas, are the most recent to require NPCA certification for concrete products.
New Mexico DOT will require producers of precast structures (excluding concrete pipe and prestressed concrete members) to be certified by late 2008. Oklahoma DOT will require certification of plants supplying retaining and sound wall structures by next year. The Austin Water Utility’s Standards Committee will require plants fabricating concrete products for water and wastewater projects to be certified by October 2008.
More information on NPCA certification can be obtained by visiting or calling Marti Harrell, director of Certification Programs, at 317/571-9500.