
The National Precast Concrete Association welcomed a new chairman and four new board members and presented its top two individual awards during its 42nd

The National Precast Concrete Association welcomed a new chairman and four new board members and presented its top two individual awards during its 42nd annual convention earlier this fall. Philip Burkhart, vice president of Utility Concrete Products LLC, Morris, Ill., will serve as chairman of the board for the coming year. Also elected as NPCA officers were Randy Lindsay-Brisbin of Firebaugh Precast Inc., chairman-elect; and, J. Kirby O’Malley of Garden State Precast Inc., secretary/treasurer. New board members are: Kurt Burkhart of Arrow Concrete Products; Mimi Coles of Permatile Concrete Products Co.; Larry Ebert of Elk River Machine Co.; and, Eric Wheeler of Hanson Pipe & Precast/Northeast Region.

The precast industry’s longest-running and most established recognition for individuals, the Robert E. Yoakum Award, was presented to Mel Marshall, principal of Mel C. Marshall Industrial Consultants. Based in Delta, British Columbia, and active in the industry since 1960, Marshall was honored for his wide range of involvement as a consultant, standards developer and educator in precast concrete and concrete pipe.

Earning NPCA’s top award for membership development, the Douglas G. Hoskin Award, was Robert Waterloo, of Hill and Griffith Co. NPCA’s top member recruiter during the past 12 months, he has sponsored 129 members during his career.