The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is seeking abstracts for 2008 Concrete Technology Forum: Focus on Sustainable Development candidate presentations.
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association is seeking abstracts for 2008 Concrete Technology Forum: Focus on Sustainable Development candidate presentations. The third annual forum is scheduled for May 20-22 in Denver, and will bring researchers and practitioners together to discuss the latest advances, technical knowledge, continuing research, tools and solutions for concrete and sustainable development. Researchers, engineers, architects, contractors, concrete producers, public works officials, material suppliers and concrete industry professionals are invited to attend, submit papers and give presentations. Among suggested presentation topics and related themes are:
Pervious concrete systems, including reducing stormwater runoff, controlling pollution, hydrological and structural design, durability and maintenance, specifications, mix design and test methods, and case studies and applications;
Concrete’s Impact on Urban Heat Islands ? light colored pavements, walls and roofs, green roofs, cool communities, specifications, mix design and test methods, and case studies and applications;
The Carbon Footprint of Concrete ? energy efficient building systems, role of cement and concrete in climate change, process innovations in cement and concrete production, and life cycle assessment of concrete structures;
Sustainable Development Initiatives ? green initiatives in private and public sector, green building rating systems (LEED, Green Globes, etc.), energy star, green building low impact development, cool communities, strategic initiatives for concrete in sustainable development and industry’s role in promoting sustainable development; and,
Optimizing Recycled Content ? cementitious materials, recycled materials as aggregate, alternatives to potable water, fuels for cement and concrete production, and innovative materials and methods for recycling.
Paper/presentation and presentation-only abstracts can be submitted online at through October 26. NRMCA has also made available on CD the papers and presentations featured during the 2007 Concrete Technology Forum: Focus on High Performance Concrete held in Dallas in May. Û