Nearly two decades of strong shipments have brought concrete paving stones and segmental retaining wall units well into mainstream landscaping. Paver
Nearly two decades of strong shipments have brought concrete paving stones and segmental retaining wall units well into mainstream landscaping. Paver and SRW producers and their retail or dealer customers encounter market development and promotional challenges for hardscape products that differ markedly from those for conventional concrete masonry units.
Accordingly, a California-based technology company serving landscape professionals has returned to the drawing board with an eye toward augmenting upscale pavement and retaining wall product showrooms and displays. Company officials note that one of the biggest challenges for landscape/hardscape designers, contractors and suppliers is creating presentations that will compel buyers to take the next step.
The company’s Fetch-A-Sketch service offers perspective drawings of premium concrete hardscape installations in a range of sizes to be downloaded for printing in either black and white or color. Users select drawings from the site,, that illustrate the type of work their company provides in the appropriate designs.
Sizes range from portable and economical smaller images for a base portfolio (representing, for example, pools, spas, terraces and retaining walls) to posters for full-bore sales presentations. Black and white drawings may suit initial discussions, before clients commit to a color scheme, after which full-color illustrations can provide a more complete picture. Designed to convey concepts versus individual details, perspective drawings provide a visual reference for inventive design, company representatives note, without the hindrance of bad lighting or routine work pictured in many photos. Fetch-A-Sketch developers emphasize that the site’s skillfully drawn images of outdoor landscaping are prescreened for quality and in many cases have been supplied by regional and national award-winning designers.