The RMC Research Foundation has released Construction and Maintenance Assessment of Pervious Concrete, Hydraulic Performance Assessment of Pervious Concrete
The RMC Research Foundation has released Construction and Maintenance Assessment of Pervious Concrete, Hydraulic Performance Assessment of Pervious Concrete Pavements for Stormwater Management Credit, and Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete Pavements to support one of the most promising developments in concrete pavement, project sponsors affirm. Researched and prepared by the Stormwater Management Academy at the University of Central Florida, the studies were funded by the Foundation, Florida State Department of Transportation, and West Palm Beach-based Rinker Materials Corp.
The use of pervious concrete is rapidly spreading around the country as sustainable development considerations and better stormwater management practices play increasingly larger roles in pavement selection. It is vital that the concrete industry continue to assess and improve upon pervious concrete, particularly in the areas of performance, maintenance, specifications and placement, and these studies shed new light on pervious concrete that will help us in our efforts, says Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman Dominique Calabrese (Lafarge North America).
Adds Foundation Executive Director Julie Luther Garbini, Our support of pervious research has also provided opportunities to partner with universities, the Federal Highway Administration, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and several state Departments of Transportation.
The mission of the RMC Research Foundation is to support research and educational programs that will increase professionalism and quality in the concrete industry. Executive summaries of the three studies can be obtained by visiting Printed versions or electronic copies on CD are available upon request.