Hanson Pipe & Precast-Northeast Region V.P. of Technical Resources Gerry Mulhern led a series of seminars late last year on infrastructure piping for
Hanson Pipe & Precast-Northeast Region V.P. of Technical Resources Gerry Mulhern led a series of seminars late last year on infrastructure piping for South African civil and municipal engineers and contractors. Recognized as a leading authority on gravity pipe products, Mulhern is noted for his work with the Ontario Concrete Pipe Association marketing committee and as an associate member of the Canadian Standards Association. He led the seminars at the invitation of the Concrete Manufacturers Association, a national organization representing manufacturers of precast, unit masonry and floor slabs, roof tiles, pipes and culverts. Previously, Mulhern made the trip from Hanson’s offices in Columbus, Ohio, to Africa when he conducted a similar series of seminars in 2004 exploring many of the issues facing the South African drainage products business.
The recent seminars focused on the suitability of concrete pipe across various applications and covered the latest U.S. technology. Mulhern, who is responsible for technical marketing and promotion in the Northeast U.S. and Ontario, observes, The more that South African engineers and contractors know about the technical and performance-related differences between rigid concrete piping and flexible plastic piping, the more they will be able to make informed decisions on pipe selection and protect themselves against future litigation.
During his stay, Mulhern also presented a paper, Protecting Yourself as a Gravity Pipe Municipal Engineer, at the Institution of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa conference.