Organizers of the Send-A-Brick Project estimate their campaign to communicate U.S.-Mexican border control concerns has dispatched 12,000-plus concrete
Organizers of the Send-A-Brick Project estimate their campaign to communicate U.S.-Mexican border control concerns has dispatched 12,000-plus concrete paver and clay wall units to members of Congress. As noted at, The Project was created by concerned citizens to send bricks to Washington encouraging Congress to stand tough on border security. Each brick sends Senators and Representatives a message that we want our border secured before any other action is taken on illegal immigration.
Under a heading and Take-A-Stand. Build-A-Wall. Secure our Borders! tagline, the site provides prospective campaign participants Buy-A-Brick or Send-A-Brick functions. The $11.95 Buy option offers instant online processing for forwarding a masonry unit to Capitol Hill targets; the do-it-yourself Send option contains directories of House and Senate members by state. As of late June, the Buy-A-Brick window noted processing of more than 12,500 unit orders. Photos posted at show the campaign has used concrete pavers and clay brick wall units, a combination also apparent in a May 31 New York Times photo of a loading dock at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. An accompanying story noted that New Jersey Rep. Scott Garrett had encouraged colleagues to donate any Send-A-Brick units to a Virginia Habitat for Humanity resale store.