The Concrete Division of Maine’s Dragon Cement and Concrete has performed seven years more than 1.1 million work hours without a lost-time injury among
The Concrete Division of Maine’s Dragon Cement and Concrete has performed seven years Û more than 1.1 million work hours Û without a lost-time injury among its 80 employees. The new record marks the ninth time in 10 years that the division, which operates 10 concrete plants statewide, has been recognized for safety achievements.
The Concrete Division of Dragon Products delivers ready mixed to construction projects throughout Maine, where it is market leader and has operations in Biddeford, Westbrook, Portland, Lewiston, Brunswick, Augusta, Canton, Fairfield, Madawaska and Presque Isle.
Dragon initiated a program in 2000 that includes a number of incentives and rewards for safety. For example, when employees in each division go a full quarter without a lost-time injury, all employees in that unit receive a gift certificate safety reward. In addition, employees fill out forms to report unsafe practices, so the situation can be corrected to prevent mishaps. The amount of the gift certificates increases for each quarter employees go without a lost-time injury.