Vibrator Extension Suits Underwater, Deep Pours

A Bloomer, Wis., inventor has designed a mix-vibration accessory for pours that may be too deep for conventional vibrator use. Compact and simple to operate,

A Bloomer, Wis., inventor has designed a mix-vibration accessory for pours that may be too deep for conventional vibrator use. Compact and simple to operate, the inventor notes, the RCVS (the Pill) increases productivity, especially for underwater concrete pours. To better fit specific applications, he adds, it could be produced in a variety of sizes. After working with concrete for a while, I realized that there had to be a way to make the process of vibrating concrete easier, he explains.

The original design, submitted to the Edina office of InventHelp, is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. More information can be obtained by writing Dept. 03-MMB-616, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222; 412/288-1300, ext. 1368; or, visiting