Labor Board walks back union election rule’s ‘ambush’ aspects

A lengthy, late-2019 notice in the Federal Register outlines modifications to the National Labor Relations Board’s Representation–Case Procedures rule, which saw 25 amendments in 2014-2105 as a part of a significant policy shift under President Barack Obama. Changes effective April 2020 sunset certain provisions enabling what opponents dubbed “ambush elections” by narrowing the window between a union petition for bargaining unit representation and rank & file voting from a 38- to 28-day average.

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Labor Board reexamines contractor, union bargaining relationships

Weighing construction industry bargaining relationship provisions per National Labor Relations Act Sections 8(f) and 9(a), the National Labor Relation Board invites stakeholder briefs through the end of this month on whether the agency should revisit policy dating to the Casale Industries (1993) and Staunton Fuel & Materials (2001) cases.

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Labor Board rules open employees’ e-mail to union communications

National Labor Relations Board had adopted a final Representation–Case Procedures rule to modernize and streamline union organizing and election dispute resolution, Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce noting: “With these changes, the Board strives to ensure [the] process remains a model of fairness and efficiency for all.”

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