How Smart Plants Lower Producers’ Costs

Optimize your resources to reduce the debt of becoming a least-hassle supplier. When Albert Einstein was once asked to name mankind’s greatest invention, his answer was “compound interest.” While the federal funds rate was near zero, it made sense for businesses to load up on debt and pay virtually no interest. Now, with higher interest rates compounding the impact, it’s…

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The Technology Upside in an Economic Downturn

Embrace the paradox: Invest in tech partners and people now, while an impending recession makes talent and time abundant. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION RATIONALEResearchers preparing the 2022 KPMG U.S. Technology Survey Report asked businesses: “What are the key drivers of your organization’s digital transformation and corresponding investments?” As the United States slides into a recession, our industry is starting to feel it.…

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Newsflash: The digital enterprise is not complicated

Ready-mix concrete is a “now” industry. Real time. No delay. It’s time for us to catch up with what our kids already have: Instant access to information and collaboration with everyone all the time. The phrase “digital enterprise” makes a ton of money for lots of advisors from big-name consultancies. They use it as a noun, verb and adverb. They…

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Concrete A I(nnovation)

Concrete mix technology is demanding and, all too often, thankless. We ask our people to guarantee the structural integrity of the design and minimize costs despite the host of bad things that can happen with mix components and transit. When things go right, our folks are invisible. Yet when things go wrong, they are the first to bear the brunt…

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How the Pandemic Changed Ready-Mix: A Look Back

BY VICTORIA K. SICARAS Although not completely on the other side of the pandemic, we each have our own set of lessons learned since March 2020. Like many in the ready-mix industry, the Martin Marietta Rocky Mountain Ready Mix District’s journey to a new normal began when office employees faced a transition from working on premises to working at home, virtually…

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