ACI launches twin Decorative Flatwork certifications

The newest American Concrete Institute certification program offerings are Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate. Each requires candidates to complete a written exam and maintain appropriate ACI Concrete Flatwork Finisher or Technician certification. Finisher candidates also need 1,500 hours of work experience. The exam covers basic knowledge of proper decorative flatwork installation and finishing procedures, addressing such topics as:

Built by Toronto-based Patterned Concrete Ontario, the Lock 8 Skate and BMX Park in Port Colborne was named in 2017 ACI Excellence and 2018 ASCC Decorative Concrete Council Awards programs.
  • Coloring. Applying and finishing dry-shake hardeners, finishing integral color;
  • Stamping. Form layout, squaring formwork, pattern layout, release agents, texturing tool, finishing for texture application;
  • Exposed finishes. Seeding aggregate, finishing for top surface retarder application, applying top surface retarders, washing the surface;
  • Stairs. Forming and stamped, exposed or colored finishes; and,
  • Cleaning/sealing. Applying curing compounds and sealers, surface preparation for sealers.

A Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate can upgrade to Finisher at any time during the five-year certification period by fulfilling the work experience requirements. Certification is offered through ACI’s global network of 120-plus sponsoring groups in local concrete communities. It will also be available at the American Society of Concrete Contractors annual conference, September 20-23, 2018, in Charlotte, N.C. —