NPCA calls for Sustainability Awards project, product entries

The National Precast Concrete Association is accepting 2018 Sustainability Awards submissions in two producer and two associate member categories, respectively: Best Project and Best Company/Plant; Best Product and Best Company/Plant. Each category will have one winner; other approved entries will receive honorable mention. Graphics profiling all entries will be prominently displayed at The Precast Show 2018, February 22-24 in Denver, and featured at and in upcoming NPCA periodicals.

The theme for each award entry will be sustainability, whose broad scope covers environmental, social and economic issues. Examples of topics worthy of award entry consideration include energy management, recycling, water-use or production waste reduction, non-renewable material substitution, minimization of packaging, biodiversity and conservation, environmental product declarations, employee training or social support programs, community involvement, and supply chain initiatives. Judges will award points on these criteria:

  • Benefits. Project impact on the company, community and/or the environment.
  • Innovation. Project/product originality in terms of subject and/or approach.
  • Wider applicability. How idea informs other member producers.
  • Employee benefit/participation.

Any number of entries may be submitted from a company, provided the project or product cover a different or unique aspect of the company or job site. Each entry subject must have been initiated within five years of the January 5, 2018, submittal deadline. Any one entry can be submitted a second time if it does not place the year of initial submission. NPCA members can access award entry forms and additional program details at