New safety, performance features lift HawkeyePedershaab PipeMasters

HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies has machined successors to its Model 2100 and 2206 PipeMaster Unloaders. The new Model 3100 and 3206 PipeMasters can unload pipe as quickly as they can be rolled off the truck and be operated by truck drivers alone. Their smooth hydraulic action virtually eliminates breakage as pipe is securely cradled between the frame and fork during unloading, then gently lowered to the ground at a controlled rate.

Model 3100 PipeMaster

Model 3206 PipeMaster

Models 3100 and 3206 bear new technologies and design benefits to enhance overall operation, performance and safety. Both directly mount to existing IM Racks and have parts interchangeable with older models. Compared to the original series unloaders, HawkeyePedershaab engineers note, the new models feature:

  • 50 percent wider forks, giving added safety when an improperly aligned pipe is rolled off the trailer.
  • eStop supplemental safety barrier, designed to stop an unchocked pipe from rolling off the end of the trailer when the PipeMaster’s unloading forks are in the down position. Device helps shield against injury if the operator neglects to properly chock pipe on the trailer.
  • New manifold technology eliminating hydraulic joints and alleviating system leakage and air entrapment.
  • Automatic air removal. Dash pot hydraulic systems as deployed on the PipeMaster generate vacuum during operation and tend to pull air into the system through worn piston rod seals and loose hydraulic joints. The 3100 and 3206 incorporate a dome to collect entrapped air, plus an easy-to-reach pushbutton allowing air to be expelled. Model 3206 bleeder petcocks are accessible with unloader on trailer; petcock is readily accessible if system bleeding is required.
  • Rear identification lamps. Placed in a well-guarded location and easily connected to the trailer’s electrical system, diode lamps are an integral part of both models.
  • Increased oil capacity extend maintenance intervals on both models. A new visual oil gauge on the Model 3206 permits level checks without inspection plate removal.

— HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies Inc., Mediapolis, Iowa, 319/394-2240;