Conference examines emerging concrete, sustainability issues

A special focus Green Matters Conference will be held February 23–24 in San Antonio that will bring together leading industry experts to share up-to-date information on sustainable design and concrete construction. High-interest topics will be covered in technical seminars, including infrared reflective coatings for heat island mitigation, innovative methods to provide cooling and stormwater management, environmental benefits of polished concrete, and advancements in functional resilience of architectural concrete. The courses offer AIA-CES Credits.

“When innovative products and new methods come to market, it is a challenge to evaluate when, where and how to use them,” says conference director Sherry Boyd. “It’s a huge advantage that the Green Matters Conference is held side by side with the Concrete Decor Show, so that attendees are able to ask the experts practical questions and see work in progress during demonstrations.”

Registration for the Green Matters Conference includes admission to the exhibit hall floor February 22–24, alongside live demonstrations of the latest product and equipment developments scheduled at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. During these three days, the demonstration pavilion showcases competitions. The early-bird registration fee for the Green Matters Conference is $145.

An update on new research at MIT being sponsored by the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative will be the focus of an opening address by David D. Shepherd, AIA, LEED AP, Sustainable Development Director for the Portland Cement Association (PCA). This talk on “Green Building Market Trends and Concrete Contributions” presents an industry outlook for 2012 and beyond. Stephen Szoke, director of codes and standards for PCA, will lead a featured seminar on “Integrating Resilience into Sustainability,” sponsored by the Cement Council of Texas.

The Green Matters Conference is targeted to the whole building team, including public and private project owners and managers, landscape architects, builders, design-build contractors, specialty subcontractors, facility managers, municipal authorities and related consultants. The event will raise awareness and understanding of the new directions in sustainable design and green building that are made possible with architectural and decorative concrete. For more information,; 877/935-8906.

February 23

Opening General Session: 8:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Panel Discussion Sessions – Running Concurrently: 10:00 – 11:45 a.m.


  • Environmental Benefits of Polished Concrete with Integral Color, Dyes or Stains
  • Green Concrete Effects on Concrete Contractors
  • Infrared Reflective Coatings: The Science, Impact and Benefits
  • Sustaining Green: What are the Global Trends?


February 24


  • A Concrete Solution to Green Building
  • Concrete Environmental Solutions: Cooling & Stormwater Management Benefits
  • Demystifying Sustainable Coating Technologies & Performance Expectations
  • It’s Not all LEED: The Quest for Earth-Friendly, Safe and Sustainable Materials
  • Polished Concrete: Today’s Green Alternative to Existing Floor Coverings
  • The Vocabulary of LEED: Understand the Basics of Green Building, Sustainability, and LEED Criteria
  • Integrating Resilience into Sustainability