Asce, Nrmca Sponsor High Performance Concrete Structures Seminar Series

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) will offer a new seminar, Designing High Performance

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) will offer a new seminar, Designing High Performance Structures, Nov. 29-30 in Baltimore; Jan. 24-25 in Seattle, Wash; and, Feb. 28-29 in Kansas City, Mo. An ASCE continuing education course, the seminar provides attendees 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEU) or 14 Professional Development Hours (PDH).

The course is tailored to help engineers, contractors, and concrete producers design and build high-performance concrete structures able to withstand harsh environments, e.g., bridges, roadways, plazas, parking structures, and marine structures. Recommendations will be provided for designing and using performance-based specifications to obtain concrete that can resist failure mechanisms such as corrosion, alkali-silica reactivity, sulfate attack, freezing and thawing. Attendees will learn latest design methodologies for resistance to severe loading, including hurricanes, tornadoes, and fire. Registration details can be obtained at, or by contacting NRMCA, 888/846-7622.