Aci Publishes Silica Fume, Bridge, Pavement Titles

The American Concrete Institute has announced four new publications that can be ordered by calling 248/848-3800 or visiting the online bookstore at

The American Concrete Institute has announced four new publications that can be ordered by calling 248/848-3800 or visiting the online bookstore at

  • 234R-06: Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete Û The 63-page report describes the physical and chemical properties of silica fume; how it interacts with portland cement; its effects on properties of fresh and hardened concrete; recent typical applications of silica-fume concrete and how it is proportioned, specified, and handled; and, areas where additional research is needed. Cost is $72.50 for the public and $44.00 for ACI members. (ISBN: 0-87031-214-6)

  • 325.13R-06: Concrete Overlays for Pavement Rehabilitation Û The 39-page report examines use of overlays for rehabilitation of both concrete and asphalt pavements. Selection, design, and construction of both bonded and unbonded overlays are discussed. Overlay categories reviewed include bonded or unbonded concrete, whitetopping, and concrete bonded to asphalt (ultra-thin and thin whitetopping). Information is also provided on selecting overlay alternatives. Significant portions of the document are based on a synthesis report prepared for the Federal Highway Administration by Applied Pavement Technology. Cost is $59.50 for the public and $36.00 for ACI members. (ISBN: 0-87031-213-8)

  • 345.1R-06: Guide for Maintenance of Concrete Bridge Members Û The 20-page document addresses typical problems and presents potentially cost-effective maintenance techniques for concrete bridge elements. Providing guidance for engineers and maintenance staff, it details methods of repairing and inspecting bridges. Specific topics include introduction to bridge maintenance; concrete bridge deterioration; considerations in bridge design; drainage and washing; sealing; maintenance patching; joints, cracks, and control joints; and, techniques for bridge maintenance. Cost is $45.50 for nonmembers and $28.00 for ACI members. (ISBN: 0-87031-212-X)

  • SP-236 CD-ROM: Deformation Capacity and Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Members Under Cyclic Loading Û The CD-ROM comprises a collection of technical articles presented by Joint ACI-ASCE Committees 441-Reinforced Concrete Columns and 445-Shear and Torsion at a recent ACI convention. The technical session was convened to showcase recent developments, thereby promoting continued discussion leading to improved models suitable for performance-based engineering. Edited by Adolfo Matamoros and Kenneth Elwood, the nine papers on the CD-ROM cover shear-flexure interaction for structural walls, seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns, and effects of displacement history on failure of lightly confined bridge columns. Cost is $57.50 for nonmembers and $35.00 for ACI members. (ISBN: 0-87031-209-X)